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SENDY Stands with Ukraine!

At SENDY, we have the pleasure of working every single day with our Ukrainian team in Kyiv, the people responsible for creating the SENDY experience. Their commitment is unreal, working straight through cruise missile strikes, displacement, and an expanding war to bring SENDY to life. Our goal is to keep these brave Ukrainian citizens working and providing for their families while they continue to do what’s necessary to escape danger. The efforts of our Ukrainian team have never ceased, not while fleeing Kyiv, sheltering their families in Western Ukraine, or being separated from loved ones.

Our understanding of the resilience and fortitude of the Ukrainian people has deepened into admiration. It comes as no surprise to us that the Ukrainian people have shocked the world with their ingenuity, bravery, and determination. It is the same tireless and principled work ethic we see with our SENDY team.

It may surprise you, but the biggest sacrifice they have made is choosing NOT to fight, not to join the Ukrainian army to push the Russians from their homeland. They made this sacrifice because they believe in SENDY. They believe that what we are doing together will change the world. It’s now our job as a community to make it all worthwhile.

Join us. Let's make the world a better place.

Ian & Vlad in Kiev 2023

To the Heroes in Ukraine.

We thank you. We stand by you. We're forever in your debt.

Humbly and gratefully,


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