
What's Tandem BASE Jumping?





What's Tandem BASE Jumping?

What Is It?

Tandem BASE jumping involves two people jumping from a fixed object (usually a cliff, building, or bridge) while attached to a single parachute system, with one person acting as the pilot and the other as the passenger.

Key Components of Tandem BASE Jumping

Experienced Pilot: aka the instructor, is highly experienced in BASE jumping and skydiving.They control the jump, deployment of the parachute, and the landing.

Passenger: is typically less experienced or a first-time jumper. They rely on the pilot for safety and control during the jump.

Equipment: specialized tandem BASE jumping equipment is used, including a larger parachute designed to support two people. The harness system securely attaches the passenger to the pilot.

Training: passengers receive a briefing and basic training before the jump, covering body position, communication signals, and safety procedures. The pilot ensures the passenger understands the process and feels comfortable.

The Jump Process

Preparation: the pilot and passenger gear up, ensuring all equipment is properly fitted and checked. They conduct a final safety check and review the jump plan.

Exit: the tandem pair exits the fixed object together, with the pilot managing the exit to ensure stability during freefall.

Freefall: the duration of a freefall depends on the altitude of the jump. The pilot maintains control and monitors altitude for a safe parachute deployment.

Parachute Deployment: the pilot deploys the parachute at the appropriate altitude. They ensure a stable canopy and prepare for landing.

Landing: the pilot then guides the parachute to a safe landing area and the passenger follows the pilot's instructions to assist with a smooth landing.

Safety Considerations

Experience: the pilot must have extensive experience and training in BASE jumping.

Equipment: proper maintenance and inspection of the equipment are crucial for safety.

Weather Conditions: weather plays a significant role in the safety of a jump, and favorable conditions are essential.

Legal Aspects: BASE jumping is regulated in many areas, and jumpers must adhere to local laws and regulations.

Popular Locations for Tandem BASE Jumping

Norway: known for its dramatic cliffs and fjords, Norway is a top destination for BASE jumping.

Switzerland: the Swiss Alps offer stunning jump locations with breathtaking scenery.

United States: various legal BASE jumping sites exist, such as the Perrine Bridge in Idaho and Moab, Utah. https://www.tandembasemoab.com

Tandem BASE jumping is a thrilling experience if you want to try BASE jumping without extensive training. It combines the expertise of a seasoned pilot with the exhilaration of a high-adrenaline activity. Because it's risky, be sure to work with reputable and experienced operators with the highest safety standards.

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