
Avalanche Rescue: Technique





Avalanche Rescue: Technique

Shoveling Technique

An effective shoveling technique can significantly boost speed and efficiency. To rescue someone after an avalanche, follow these steps:

Assess the Situation: evaluate the victim's location, burial depth, and potential hazards.

Create a Rescue Team: if you’re lucky enough to have several people available to help, assign a role to each, including shovelers, a probe person, and a coordinator.

Start Probing: while one rescuer probes for the victim's location, others begin shoveling nearby areas.

Use Strategic Shoveling: focus on digging strategically. Start near the probe strike.

Work Methodically: work in either a grid pattern or concentric circles from the probe strike.

Maintain Communication: keep clear communication with other rescuers, updating on progress and any signs of the victim.

Dig Efficiently: push snow away from the excavation area (rather than lifting it) and alternate shovellers to prevent fatigue. Some shovel blades can be turned to 90˚ to use as a hoe when chopping and dragging is the best way to move snow.

Watch for Clues: look for clothing or equipment that may indicate the victim's location.

Expect Delays: maintain patience, and a steady focus on precision and thoroughness.

Keep Safety in Mind: watch for unstable snow conditions and other potential hazards that might put rescuers at risk.

Follow these steps for the best chance to locate and extract avalanche victims safely and efficiently.

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