
Risk Mgt.- Adventure Travel





Risk Mgt.- Adventure Travel

Risk Management for Adventure Travel

Adventure travel is incredibly rewarding, but it comes with inherent risks. To manage these risks effectively, especially international, it's crucial to have a comprehensive risk management strategy. SENDY has a few recommendations:

Risk Assessment and Planning: Before you go!

Identify and evaluate potential risks associated with the specific adventure activity, location, and local conditions.

Create a detailed risk assessment for each trip, considering factors such as weather, terrain, wildlife, and political stability.

Develop a comprehensive risk management plan that outlines procedures for risk mitigation, response, and recovery.

Expert Guides and Local Partners:

Hire experienced and certified adventure guides who are knowledgeable about the destination and activity.

Collaborate with on-the-ground tour operators and partners who understand the local environment, culture, and regulations.

Training and Certification:

Ensure that adventure guides and participants receive proper training and certification for the specific activity, including first aid and emergency response training.

Regularly update training especially as it pertains to emerging risks.

Safety Equipment and Gear:

Invest in high-quality safety equipment and gear that meets international standards and regulations.

Conduct regular inspections and maintenance of your equipment to ensure it’s in working order.

Emergency Communication:

Establish reliable communication protocols for emergencies, including satellite phones or communication devices with global coverage. Always have a backup plan.

Develop a system for tracking and locating participants in remote areas. Carry non digital signaling system (ie. rocket flares).

Medical Support:

Have a plan for medical support, including access to medical professionals and evacuation procedures in case of serious injury or illness.

Carry a well-stocked medical kit and ensure crew & guides are trained in basic medical care including CPR.


Each person needs comprehensive travel insurance that covers adventure activities and medical emergencies (including helicopter evacuation).

If engaging an adventure travel company, be sure it has adequate liability insurance.

Weather Monitoring:

Keep a close eye on forecasts and conditions and have contingency plans in case of adverse weather events.

Be prepared with alternate itineraries or be ready to cancel a trip if conditions become unsafe.

Local Regulations and Permits:

Comply with local regulations and obtain the necessary permits for adventure activities.

Stay informed about any changes in regulations or political stability in the destination.

Participant Education:

Educate participants about the risks involved in adventure travel and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.

Encourage responsible and sustainable travel practices to minimize environmental impact. Respect local customs & dress codes.

Crisis Management Plan:

Develop a crisis management plan outlining how to respond to emergencies, including communication with participants, families, and authorities. 

Conduct drills and training exercises to be sure everyone is familiar with the procedures.

Continuous Evaluation and Improvement:

After each adventure trip, conduct a debriefing session to assess what went well and what could be improved.

Use participant feedback to continually refine risk management strategies.

Each adventure travel destination and activity comes with unique risks, so tailor your risk management approach accordingly. Prioritize the safety and well-being of all involved and you’ll have a more enjoyable trip!

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